Roxy |
Abby |
Now you may be wondering about us keeping an eye on cows.
This was one of the "cows" we had to keep an eye on. We thought it was just a bunch of bull. Ceil took this picture right across from the fence where our dog house is parked. We could seen him out our window and told her so she took a picture for us. There are a lot of houses out here but this is "open range". That means the cows can wander around here and it is the job of the homeowners to keep them out. The winery has a fence around it but sometimes the gate is open for customers. Our job was to watch and make sure they didn't come in.
Here is another cow. There are about fifteen of them that wander around outside the fence so we are always on the alert. It's pretty crazy and it sure gives us a workout. Sometimes Don and Stew go chasing them when they get really close to getting in. They sure have fun running them off.
Every Sunday at the winery there is music and appetizers. They are open other days too for wine tasting. You gotta go there. You might even see us there.
Of course THEY get to go to this Sunday stuff. Sheesh, you'd think we are animals or something.
They have a beautiful outdoor fireplace and people go out there. They all pull tables around the fire and sit there until after they close. We can hear them over in our dog house just having a good old time and here we sit. THEY do come and check up on us and walk us and give us treats but we know how to pout real good. Sigh.
One day Uncle Don got this idea about a wine bottle tree. He sketched it out on a piece of paper and had it made. They had a grand event to initiate the wine bottle tree and people brought bottles to put on the tree. Here THEY are standing by the tree. That jacket SHE has on will sure wake you up in the morning.
Here is a picture of the wine tasting bar. They were working on the wine tree and getting things ready for an event. Not that we get to go in there. We have looked in the doors though.
They had good times with friends there. They would leave us and go over to Ang and Bill's for dinner and we had to stay in our doghouse. But Ang always sent goodies for us.
There are some awesome sunsets here, too.
We just got told we are barking up the wrong tree. We have to go find the right one.
XOXO Roxy & Abby P.S. We are in Quartzsite, AZ now and we'll update you soon.